4 and 5 June Current Affairs

1.  Among the following which state government launched Namo Shetkari Mahasanman Yojana? Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan Odisha 2.  Ved Kumari Ghai who has recently been passed away was noted scholar of which subject? Maths Sanskrit Hindi Economics...

2 June Current Affairs Quiz

1.  Using which type of waves, the composition of Mars’s core composition has been predicted by NASA? X Ray Waves Neutrino Ray Waves Gama Ray Waves Seismic Waves 2.  Which state/UT launched the ‘5T School Transformation Programme’? Odisha Jharkhand West...
29 May Current Affairs

29 May Current Affairs

1.What is the theme of ‘International Girls in ICT Day 2023? [A] Empower girls[B] Digital Skills for Life[C] STEM[D] Science Skills for Life Correct Answer: B [Digital Skills for Life]Notes: ‘International Girls in ICT Day’ is observed every year on April 27 to...