The Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate or CUET UG 2023 is just around the corner, and the National Testing Agency (NTA) has recently released the CUET UG 2023 City Intimation Slip for all the applicants. This year, around 14,99,778 candidates will appear for the exam, which will be conducted from May 21 onwards in computer-based test (CBT) mode.
CUET UG is a national-level exam for admission to undergraduate courses at central universities and other participating institutions across India. The exam is providing a single window opportunity for students to seek admission to about 250 central, state, and other participating universities, institutions, and organizations for the academic session 2023-2024.
If you have applied for CUET UG 2023, it’s time to download your exam city intimation slip from the official website of CUET UG at cuet.samarth.ac.in. You can use the link given under candidates’ activity to download the slip. In the city intimation slip, you will find details such as your examination city, date, shift, subjects/test papers, and medium chosen during the online application form.
It’s important to note that this is not your admit card for CUET UG 2023. The city intimation slip is only meant to provide you with advance information about the allotment of the city where the examination center will be located, to facilitate your travel arrangements and preparation for the exam.
The NTA will issue the admit card for CUET UG 2023 three days before the exam date. The admit card will contain all the details related to the exam, including your roll number, examination center, exam date, timings, and instructions. It’s essential to carry the admit card with you to the exam center, as no candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall without it.
To download your CUET UG 2023 exam city intimation slip, follow these simple steps:
- Go to the official website of CUET UG at cuet.samarth.ac.in.
- On the homepage, open the CUET UG exam city intimation slip link (or, open the sign-in option if the link is not displayed).
- Login with your application number and date of birth.
- Download the CUET UG 2023 exam city slip.
It’s important to read and follow all the instructions mentioned in the city intimation slip carefully. In case you face any difficulty in downloading or checking your exam city intimation slip for CUET UG 2023, you can contact the NTA helpline numbers at 011-40759000 and 011 – 69227700 or email at cuetug@nta.ac.in for assistance.
Additionally, the practice questions for all the subjects, languages, and general tests covered under CUET UG 2023 have already been displayed on the website at www.careerleaders.com You can use these practice questions to prepare for the exam and get a feel for the exam pattern.
It’s important to note that CUET UG 2023 is a highly competitive exam, and you need to prepare thoroughly to ace it. Make sure to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus and practice as many mock tests and previous year papers as possible. Also, try to manage your time well during the exam, and don’t spend too much time on any single question.
In conclusion, if you have applied for CUET UG 2023, download your exam city intimation slip now and get ready for the exam. Make sure to read